DSN-2024: Call for Tutorial Proposals
The DSN 2024 Organizing Committee solicits proposals for tutorials on all aspects of dependability, security and resilience of systems and networks. We aim to offer attendees the chance to learn from and to interact with leading experts of the DSN community. We solicit proposals for full-day (six hours) or half-day (three hours) tutorials. The DSN 2024 organizers will decide the exact dates of the accepted tutorials after all proposals have been reviewed. DSN tutorials can cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
- Hardware (e.g., microprocessors, memory systems, systems on chip, I/O devices, storage systems, Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), edge and mobile devices, data center infrastructure, hardware accelerators, emerging technologies, emerging paradigms like processing in memory & quantum computing)
- Software (e.g., applications, middleware, distributed algorithms, operating systems, software security, dependable software design)
- Networked systems and clouds (e.g., wireless networks, mobility, software-defined networking, edge computing, cloud computing/storage, networks on chip, network security)
- Autonomous systems (e.g., self-driving vehicles, autonomous robots, assured autonomy, explainable decision making, acceptability, privacy issues)
- Cyber-physical systems (e.g., embedded systems, real-time control of critical systems, internet of things, smart grid, automotive, aerospace, railway, medical systems)
- Distributed ledgers/Blockchain (e.g., BFT/consensus algorithms, cryptocurrencies, decentralized storage, zero knowledge proofs)
- AI/Machine Learning for resilient systems (e.g., robust, resilient, secure, and explainable AI/Machine Learning techniques; applications of AI/ML techniques for dependability and security, robustness issues in ML/AI systems)
- Models and methodologies for programming, evaluating, verifying, and assessing robust (dependable and secure) systems (e.g., performance and dependability evaluation, analytical and numerical methods, simulation, experimentation, benchmarking, verification, field data analysis)
- Emerging technologies and computing paradigms (e.g., robustness, security, dependability issues of emerging memory and storage systems, emerging computing paradigms like quantum computing, processing in memory/sensors/storage/network, 3-dimensional architectures, new hardware/software cooperative paradigms, emerging programming and system paradigms)
How to Submit Proposals
Tutorial proposals should not exceed 2 pages in length. The document must follow the main conference guidelines for margins and layout (https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html) and it will be included in the supplemental volume of the proceedings.
The proposal should include:
- Title of the tutorial
- Presenter(s) affiliation and contact details
- Duration: Half-day or full-day tutorial
- Short overview of the topics to be covered including the tutorial’s objective and its structure (in terms of sections and each section’s approximate duration)
- Proposed supporting materials
- Identification of the target audience (in terms of their expected background). Explain why the topic would be of interest for the DSN community, and what the students/attendees will learn
- A brief resume/biography of the presenter(s), including experience of past tutorials (if applicable)
- Activities to be carried out in the tutorial (if applicable)
A tutorial should not focus exclusively on the latest research results of the presenters, but should be wider in scope, offering an overview of a research area within the wider DSN community, and should balance known results and open problems.
Please submit tutorial proposals as a .pdf attachment via e-mail to roberto.pietrantuono@unina.it and to longwang@tsinghua.edu.cn with subject “[DSN 2024] Tutorial Proposal”.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: February 9, 2024
- Notification: February 23, 2024
Tutorial Chairs
Roberto Pietrantuono, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Long Wang, Tsinghua University, China