Rising Star in Dependability Award

The Rising Star in Dependability Award is presented annually at the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) to recognize a junior researcher, from academia or industry, who demonstrates outstanding potential for creative ideas and innovative research in the field of dependable and resilient computer systems and networks. The award is jointly sponsored by the IEEE TC on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance (TCFT) and IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance (WG 10.4).

To be eligible, a candidate must have graduated no more than 10 years before the nomination deadline (considering the year as a reference). Career disruptions or delays (e.g., parental leaves) that may have been experienced by the candidates are taken into consideration by the selection committee. Previous recipients of the Award are not eligible. Self nominations and nominations by the Rising Star award committee members are not allowed.

The Rising star in dependability award is selected by an Award Committee appointed by the IEEE TCFT Chair, the IFIP WG 10.4 Chair and the current DSN PC chairs. The award takes the form of a plaque presented to the award recipient at the conference. The award recipient is required to attend DSN to receive the award and is invited to give a presentation to DSN attendees. His/her conference registration is borne by the conference.

The winner of the 2024 Rising Star in Dependability Award is:

Pramod Bhatotia

Pramod Bhatotia
TU Munich, Germany
Citation from the nomination:
“For his impressive track-record and contributions in the field of dependable systems, including multiple publications in highly regarded venues, and influence on practical dependable systems.”

Bio: Pramod Bhatotia is a Full Professor and Chair in the Department of Computer Science at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). More info: https://dse.in.tum.de/bhatotia/

DSN-2024 Rising Star in Dependability Award Committee


Karthik Pattabiraman, University of British Columbia (UBC)


Complete information on the award can be found on the award web page: http://www.dependability.org/rising-star.html

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